Research Fellows

Adolfo J. Acosta Ph.D., Universidad Iberoamericana

Dorleta Urrutia-Onate Ph.D. student, University of Deusto

Ganesh Gopal Ph.D. student, Gandhigram Rural Institute

Jeongone (Joh) Seo Ph.D. Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, South Korea, and Ph.D. student, Rutgers University

Kenzo Soares Seto Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale Law School

Lila Gaudêncio Ph.D. candidate, University of Cambridge

Linda Huber Ph.D. candidate, University of Michigan

Mark Esposito Ph.D., École des Ponts in Paris, expert in AI governance, public policy, and business economics

Stuart Fulton Researcher and Director of Change, COBI

Tara Merk Ph.D. candidate, CNRS/Panthéon-Assas University Paris II
Affiliate Researchers

Adriane Clomax Presidential Postdoc- Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations

Akkanut Wantanasombut Ph.D. student, Chulalongkorn University

Alejandro Fortuny-Sicart Ph.D. student, University of Vigo

Amelia Evans Research Fellow at the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy

Andrea Peña Calvin Ph.D. student in computer science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Anne-Pauline De Cler Ph.D. Candidate, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

Cecilia Muñoz Cancela Professor, cooperativist, and Ph.D. student, National University of Quilmes

Denise Kasparian Assistant Professor, University of Buenos Aires

Erik Forman Ph.D. student CUNY Graduate Center, Co-founder, The Drivers Cooperative;

Eve O’Connor Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University

Francis Mwongela Mikwa Senior Director of Communication, Office of the Deputy President, Republic of Kenya

George Oates Executive Director & Founder, Flickr Foundation

Harinjaka A. Ratozamanana Former Government of Madagascar appointee to oversee Digital Development

Jad Esber Co-Founder and CEO, koodos; former Google & YouTube; Harvard Business School

Jared Mark Matabi Ph.D. student, Cooperative University of Kenya

Jonas Pentzien Ph.D. Researcher, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)

Josie West Ph.D. in digital humanities, King’s College London

Katarzyna Cieslik Lecturer, University of Manchester

Katya Abazajian Researcher, Beeck Center for Social Impact, Innovation; Georgetown University

Lokyung Wong Activist, Hong Kong Women Workers' Association

Louis Cousin Ph.D. student, Laval University (Canada) and Paris-Saclay University (France)

Luciana Bruno Brazilian journalist

Maïmonatou Mar Ph.D. in chemistry; social justice advocate, and innovative leader

Michelle Lee Ph.D. student in Sociology, Northwestern University

Minsun Ji Professor, University of Colorado Denver; Drivers Cooperative Colorado

Mohit Dave International Cooperative Alliance Asia and Pacific

Mosa Tsay Cellist, Executive Director of Groupmuse Foundation

Philémon Poux Ph.D. student, Université Paris Saclay

Pietro Ghirlanda Ph.D. student, University of Milan

Priyanka Borar Artist

Rafael A. F. Zanatta Ph.D. candidate, University of São Paulo

Sadev Parikh J.D./M.P.A. Candidate, Georgetown University Law Center / Harvard Kennedy School

Sain López Associate Professor, Mondragon University

Salonie Muralidhara Hiriyur Ph.D. student, The Institute of Development Studies, and SEWA Cooperative Federation

Santosh Kumar International Cooperative Alliance

Shaked Spier Ph.D. student, University of Twente

Stefan Ivanovski Ph.D. student, Cornell University

Stefano Tortorici Ph.D. student, Scuola Normale Superiore

T. O. Molefe Ph.D. student University of Johannesburg, writer, editor

Udayan Tandon Ph.D. student, UC San Diego

Vangelis Papadimitropoulos Postdoctoral researcher; Panteion University of Athens

Vera Vidal Ph.D. student, Open University of Catalonia; La Coop des Communs

Victor Barcellos Ph.D. student, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Affiliate Faculty

Jen van der Meer Co-director of the Impact Entrepreneurship Initiative

Andreas Hackl Lecturer in Anthropology of Development at the University of Edinburgh

Antonio Fici Associate Professor of Private Law, University of Roma Tor Vergata

Damion Jonathan Bunders Assistant Professor Governance of Urban Digitalization

Denise Kasparian Assistant Professor, University of Buenos Aires

Esther N. Gicheru Director, Institute of Co-operative Development, Co-operative University of Kenya

Facundo Picabea Senior Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET)

Gabriella Rendón Affiliate Faculty, the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy

Ifigeneia Douvitsa Lecturer, Hellenic Open University

Isaac K. Nyamongo Scholar and Deputy Vice Chancellor, The Co-operative University of Kenya

Javier Arroyo Gallardo Associate professor in computer science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Jessica Gordon-Nembhard Author, Professor, John Jay College, City University of NY

Johanna Mair Professor at Hertie School and Co-Director at Stanford University's Global Innovation for Impact Lab

Jose Mari Luzarraga Co-founder, Mondragon Team Academy (MTA World) and Professor, Mondragon University

Julia Ticona Assistant professor

Lucy N. Maina Kiganane Senior Lecturer, Director of Postgraduate Studies, The Co-operative University of Kenya

Marisa Jahn Assistant Professor of Design Strategies, Parsons School of Design

Mark Graham Professor of Internet Geography, Oxford Internet Institute

Mia White Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies in the Environmental Studies Program at The New School for Public Engagement

Morshed Mannan Lecturer in Global Law and Digital Technologies at Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh

Raz Godelnik Associate professor of strategic design and management, The New School

Samer Hassan Associate professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Faculty Associate at Harvard's Berkman Klein Center

Simon Pek Associate professor of business and society, University of Victoria

Thomas Daum Associate professor at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg

Tim Christiaens Assistant professor of economic ethics, Tilburg University

Vasilis Kostakis Professor, Tallinn University of Technology

Virginia Doellgast Anne Evans Estabrook Professorship of Employment Relations and Dispute Resolution, Cornell University's ILR School

Aman Bardia Assistant Director, Platform Cooperativism Consortium

Fernanda Rebelato Public Engagement Fellow at the PCC

Hoyeon Lee Research Assistant, Platform Cooperativism Consortium

Trebor Scholz New School professor and Founding Director of the Platform Cooperativism Consortium

Victoria Finch Public Engagement Fellow
Council of Advisors

Anh-Thu Nguyen Democracy at Work Institute

Anita Gurumurthy Executive Director, IT for Change

Balu G. Iyer Regional Director Asia and Pacific International Co-operative Alliance

David Park Dean of Strategic Initiatives, Faculty of the Arts and Sciences at Columbia University

Doug O’Brien President & CEO, National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International

Esteban Kelly Executive Director, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

Fabro Steibel Executive Director, ITS

Hal Plotkin Former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of the Under Secretary of Education

Howard Brodsky Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, CCA Global Partners

Jack Linchuan Qiu Professor, Platform Cooperativism Consortium HK, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Janet Roitman University Professor, The New School

Jason Spicer Assistant Professor, University of Toronto

Joseph Blasi Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing, Rutgers University

Marina Gorbis Executive Director of the Institute for the Future (IFTF)

Mark Graham Professor of Internet Geography, Oxford Internet Institute

Matthew Brown Leader of the Preston City Council

Melissa Hoover Executive Director of the Democracy at Work Institute

Osamu Nakano Director of International Relations at Japan Workers’ Co-operative Union and Staff Member of Japan Co-operative Alliance

Scott Heiferman Co-founder and Chairman of Meetup

Teepee Gile Co-Founder and CEO, Red Root Artists Cooperative

Wilma B. Liebman Former Chair of the NLRB and Co-chair at the Council of Advisors at the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy

Yash Kanoria Sidney Taurel Associate Professor of Business, Columbia University
Affiliated Advisors

Greg Lindsay generalist, urbanist, futurist, and speaker

Greta Byrum Co-director of the Digital Equity Laboratory at The New School

Micah Sifry co-founder and executive director of Civic Hall, New York City's community center for civic tech

Palak Shah Founding Director of Fair Care Labs & Social Innovations Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance

Rhea Alexander Assistant Professor of Strategic Design & Management

Sujatha Jesudason Affiliate Faculty, the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy