
Virginia Doellgast holds the Anne Evans Estabrook Professorship of Employment Relations and Dispute Resolution at Cornell University’s ILR School. Her research examines the comparative political economy of labor markets, focusing on labor unions, inequality, and democracy at work. She explores the effects of digitalization and AI on job quality in the ICT services industry and the transition to e-mobility in the auto industry, conducting comparative studies across the US, Canada, Germany, and Norway. Doellgast has authored books including Exit, Voice, and Solidarity and Disintegrating Democracy at Work, and co-edited “International and Comparative Employment Relations” and “Reconstructing Solidarity.” She serves as co-editor of the ILR Review and on the editorial boards of various journals. Her work, funded by organizations like Fulbright and the Research Council of Norway, supports collaboration with international research institutes, policy organizations, and labor unions. Prior to her current role, she was a faculty member at the London School of Economics and Political Science and at King’s College London.