Participants are shown in random order.
Brad Burnham Managing Partner, Union Square Ventures
Ingrid Burrington Writer, Cartographer, & Comedien
Jim Kennedy Senior Vice President, Strategy and Corporate development at Associated Press
Trebor Scholz New School professor and Founding Director of the Platform Cooperativism Consortium
Felicia Wong President and CEO, Roosevelt Institute
Marina Gorbis Executive Director of the Institute for the Future (IFTF)
Hal Plotkin Former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of the Under Secretary of Education
William Azaroff Executive Lead, Vancity
Juliet Schor Professor of Sociology at Boston College
Alicia Garza Strategy and Partnerships Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance & Fo-founder, Black Lives Matter Network
Yochai Benkler Jack N. and Lillian R. Berkman Professor for Entrepreneurial Legal Studies, Harvard University
Duncan Wallace Education Officer, Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals
David Hammer Executive Director, ICA Group
Derek Razo Co-ZFounder & Partner, Purpose Economy Ventures
Ana Manzanedo Publicist & Fellow in the Workable Future Initiative of the Institute for the Future
Mathias Sager Founder, Platform Cooperativism Japan Consortium in Tokyo
Abigail Solomon Founder, Carina
danah boyd Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research & Founder/President, Data & Society.
Julie Miller Markoff Systems Change Architect, Non-Executive Director, Social Investor and Mother
Antti Virolainen Co-founder and COO at Sharetribe
Thorben Wieditz Lead, Campaign
Jutta Treviranus Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre
Deb Socia Executive Director, Next Century Cities
Christina Jennings Executive Director, Shared Capital Cooperative
Sasha Costanza-Chock Associate Professor of Civic Media at MIT, Faculty Associate at Harvard’s Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society, and creator of the MIT Codesign Studio
Teresa Munchick Co-Founder, The Movement
Marcy Chong Director of Research, Public Division, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Fredrik Söderqvist Senior Economist, Unionen
Alicia Trepat Pont Fellow, Workable Future Program at the Institute for the Future
Alex Wood Researcher, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK
Raz Godelnik Associate professor of strategic design and management, The New School
Caitlin Pierce Director of Advocacy and Member Engagement, Freelancers Union
Nathan Schneider Assistant Professor of Media Studies, The University of Colorado Boulder
Jen Horonjeff Founder and CEO of Savvy Cooperative
Ashley Taylor Cultural Activist
Ana Martina Rivas Membership Director, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Ela Kagel Managing Partner, SUPERMARKT
Matthew Cropp Community Operations Team Coordinator,
Mara Zepeda Managing Director, Zebras Unite
Danny Spitzberg Lead Researcher, Turning Basin Labs
Camille Kerr Founder & Principal of Upside Down Consulting
Howard Brodsky Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, CCA Global Partners
Aaron Tanaka Director, Center for Economic Democracy & Co-Founder, Boston Ujima Project
Sam Witherbee Launched & Co-Founder,
Maribel Torres Founding Member, Brightly Cleaning of Staten Island Co-op
Yaso Cordova Affiliate, Berkman Klein Center, & Fellow at Digital Harvard Kennedy School and CTS-FGV
Debby Kaplan Pioneer and Thought Leader in the Disability Civil Rights Movement
Michelle Miller Co-Founder and Co-Director of
Elena Como Head of Research& Evaluation, LAMA Agency,
Jamie Burke CEO of Outlier Ventures, Europe's first blockchain venture capital firm
Damiano Avellino Co-founder, Fairbnb
Palak Shah Founding Director of Fair Care Labs & Social Innovations Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance
Lieza Dessein Strategic Project Manager, SMart & Board of Directors, Coop
Maru Bautista At-Large Director, Center for Family Life
Juan Jose Rodriguez Co-Founder, Aarhus Makers
Douglas Rushkoff Founder, Laboratory for Digital Humanism at CUNY/Queens
Marco Tognetti Co-Founder and Executive Director, Lama Agency & Design Management Professor, ISIA University in Florence
Nuno Silva Founding Member, Stocksy United
Pia Mancini Co-Founder, Open Collective & Chair, Democracy Earth Foundation
Joseph Blasi Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing, Rutgers University
Lucius Gregory Meredith Musician and Mathematician
Brianna Wettlaufer Co-Founder, Stocksy
Brendan Martin Founder & Director, Working World