Guided by Renata Tomaz
The Fairwork Foundation has been working in Latin America to assist platform economy workers. The gig economy is rapidly expanding in Chile, and international migration is contributing to this expansion. In recent years, Ecuador has seen a surge in platform-based work, but very little of it is fair or dignified. According to the Fairwork Foundation’s report on platform work in Ecuador, the government should take steps to ensure that all workers are protected by labor laws. Besides this, in Latin America, there is also a growing movement of workers who want to establish their own platform cooperatives. Speakers advocate for the government to create a favorable regulatory environment for platform cooperatives and to invest in digital literacy programs for workers interested in establishing their own cooperatives.
A Report on the Work of the Fairwork Foundation in Latin America
The Fairwork Foundation is a research and policy organization that focuses on promoting fair work practices in many countries. The foundation was established in 2015 in response to growing concerns about the proliferation of low-quality jobs and the declining standard of employment rights and protections, especially among platform workers. Since then, the Fairwork Foundation has significantly contributed to research and policy debates on these issues. As the debate about the future of work continues to intensify, the Fairwork Foundation will continue to provide ratings for platform labor platforms, as well as policy recommendations for government and business leaders. Researchers Jonas Valente and Alessio Bertolini will introduce this work.
What Role Does International Migration Play in Chile’s Gig Economy?
Chile has seen an increase in international migration in recent years. This has coincided with the growth of the gig economy, which has created new employment opportunities for migrants. However, these jobs are frequently low-paying and precarious, and migrant workers frequently face challenging working conditions. Nonetheless, they have found ways to fight for their rights and resist these conditions. For example, Riders Unidos Ya in Chile has been organizing against the company Pedidos Ya, which has been accused of exploitation and poor working conditions. These conditions have deteriorated since the pandemic’s outbreak, but migrant workers have continued to fight for their rights. This talk by Macarena Bonhomme will center on the role of international migration and the gig economy in Chile, as well as how migrants resist exploitation and precarity.
Building Chilean Platform Cooperatives: Why and How
Matías Bertranou
In Chile, platform co-ops have the potential to be a powerful force for good. This presentation by Matías Bertranou will focus on the Chilean context for platform co-ops, including the challenges of starting co-ops in an emerging sector. It will also look at the similarities between platform co-ops and traditional cooperatives, as well as how platform co-ops can be used to boost entrepreneurship opportunities in Chile.
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***Archival video of this segment is available here.***
Macarena Bonhomme Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Autonomous University of Chile
Renata Tomaz Assistant Professor, School of Communication, Media, and Information, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV ECMI)
Matías Bertranou Project Manager and Researcher, Mapocho
Alessio Bertolini Postdoctoral Researcher, Fairwork
Jonas Valente Co-Lead, Cloudwork Project, Fairwork Foundation