Introducing Needs Map: Resilience in the Face of Poverty and Disaster

  • Nov 5, 2022 11:45AM–12:00PM

  • Auditorium

Evren Aydoğan will speak about how the platform co-op Needs Map can help to improve the lives of millions of people throughout the world. Needs Map leverages platform cooperativism as the cornerstone for a new sort of community-based social solidarity to reduce challenges associated with poverty and natural disasters. It uses Geographic Information System technology to analyze and present geographically referenced data in order to help communities and cooperatives/nongovernmental organizations become more resilient. Needs Map integrates fintech, for instance, to support the growth of local/cooperative social marketplaces.  This will facilitate the immediate connection of individuals in need with available services and resources. Needs Map ultimately gives an alternative perspective on the relationship between people and technology that can assist us in constructing a more just and equitable world.

Aydoğan’s talk will be followed by a lightning presentation by the Director of Innovation at Suara Cooperative (Catalonia’s largest worker cooperative), Jordi Picas Vilà who works on developing the technology and tools the cooperative needs to best serve its community of care workers. 


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