Rafael Zanatta has provided a detailed chronicle of the development of Brazilian platform cooperativism in his in-depth report, published in Portuguese and English by PCC and ITS Rio de Janeiro. He presents an overview of the collaborative economy and its various models before delving into platform cooperatives in particular. He examines the history of cooperatives in Brazil, as well as key challenges and opportunities in the country. Zanatta highlights some of the unique characteristics of the Brazilian context that have contributed to the country’s strong growth of this movement, both institutionalized and non-institutionalized. He acknowledges the large number of social movements and grassroots organizations active in Brazil, as well as the fact that many workers are already accustomed to working in informal and collaborative structures. In this session, Steibel, a Global Council member of the World Economic Forum and the Executive-Director of ITS Rio, will discuss these recent developments and add the perspective of ITS Rio, one of Brazil’s most respected technology research institutes. Steibel discusses the subtleties of the connection between cooperatives and legislative advocacy, as well as the difficulties faced by aspirant grassroots groups seeking to have an impact. As an example of the open government agenda adopted in Brazil, he discusses the current role cooperatives have in influencing political institutions. He then moves on to address the particularities of the country’s collective organizations, which create tensions between new and old organizations.
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Rafael A. F. Zanatta Ph.D. candidate, University of São Paulo
Fabro Steibel Executive Director, ITS