Erik Forman: How to Build a Taxi Platform Coop With 7,500 Drivers

  • Nov 5, 2022 3:30–4:15PM

  • Auditorium

Erik Forman is the co-founder of The Drivers Cooperative, an organization of over 7,500 for-hire vehicle drivers in New York City. He will be discussing how the cooperative was founded, its spectacular success, and the challenges it has faced in Uber-ized New York City. So far, the cooperative has been able to establish a $30/hr minimum wage for its core business lines, and has paid out over $4 million in wages to drivers this year. Now, The Drivers Cooperative seeks to globalize worker ownership in the platform economy through creation of a worldwide federation of driver cooperatives. 


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  • Erik Forman Ph.D. student CUNY Graduate Center, Co-founder, The Drivers Cooperative;

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