Nuno Silva Founding Member, Stocksy United
Lieza Dessein Strategic Project Manager, SMart & Board of Directors, Coop
William Azaroff Executive Lead, Vancity
Antti Virolainen Co-founder and COO at Sharetribe
Jutta Treviranus Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre
Sam Witherbee Launched Peers.org & Co-Founder, Groundswell.org
Matthew Cropp Community Operations Team Coordinator, Social.coop
Pia Mancini Co-Founder, Open Collective & Chair, Democracy Earth Foundation
Damiano Avellino Co-founder, Fairbnb
Juan Jose Rodriguez Co-Founder, Aarhus Makers
Brianna Wettlaufer Co-Founder, Stocksy
Julie Miller Markoff Systems Change Architect, Non-Executive Director, Social Investor and Mother
Jamie Burke CEO of Outlier Ventures, Europe's first blockchain venture capital firm
Jen Horonjeff Founder and CEO of Savvy Cooperative
Marcy Chong Director of Research, Public Division, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)