Conference 2017

The People’s Disruption: Platform Coops for Global Challenges

  • November 10–11, 2017

  • The New School
    66 West 12th Street
    New York, NY 10011
    United States

An archive of the footage for this event can be found here

About this event

The first platform cooperativism event in 2015 popularized the #platformcoop idea, and the second event in 2016 brought together co-op and union leaders to push the model forward. This third event will zero in on ways that platform cooperatives can help to address some of the future’s most urgent challenges. The fairer digital economy we need is already emerging, but it won’t happen on its own. That’s where you come in.

  • Learn about new platform co-op projects that are shaping this emerging ecosystem, from blockchain-based financing to user-owned clouds
  • Reflect on research and lessons from platform co-op experiments in recent years
  • Confront growing challenges from artificial intelligence to global governance

Join leaders from co-ops, industry, labor, and social movements—from Associated Press to Black Lives Matter—to raise the scale of our ambition.

Platform cooperatives are poised to be a dynamic, transformative force in building a more equitable economy for people across various income, race and class strata, starting with the most vulnerable populations. This is a political and economic movement that can disrupt Silicon Valley’s disruptors by shifting the focus toward fundamentally fairer forms of ownership and governance. Over the past few years, the burgeoning of platform co-ops, community currencies, worker’s tech, the solidarity economy, and B Corps have shown us that alternative economies are not only necessary but possible. Come help us make platform cooperativism part of the new normal.

Convened by

Trebor Scholz, Camille Kerr, Palak Shah, Nathan Schneider

Technology Afterparty

Don’t miss the Technology Afterparty (November 12, New York, NY): a chance for #platformcoop-obsessed tech developers and platform designers to come together and learn from one-another, connect, and co-create.


  • Jim Kennedy Senior Vice President, Strategy and Corporate development at Associated Press

  • Sasha Costanza-Chock Associate Professor of Civic Media at MIT, Faculty Associate at Harvard’s Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society, and creator of the MIT Codesign Studio

  • Mara Zepeda Managing Director, Zebras Unite

  • Abigail Solomon Founder, Carina

  • Mathias Sager Founder, Platform Cooperativism Japan Consortium in Tokyo

  • Yaso Cordova Affiliate, Berkman Klein Center, & Fellow at Digital Harvard Kennedy School and CTS-FGV

See all participants