Caroline Woolard 

My name is Caroline Woolard, and I’m a core organizer at Our mission is to advance the solidarity economy movement in the United States by harnessing the transformative power of artists and culture bearers. We aim to lead systemic change, challenging the common perception that artists only create murals, paintings, or songs. Instead, we’re pivotal in launching major cooperative initiatives. For instance, the first democratic loan fund in the U.S., the Boston Ujima Project, was initiated by artists. Likewise, artists and culture bearers led the creation of The Working World, the first non-extractive venture capital firm in the country, and Koala Arts and Crafts, the first worker cooperative for artists on Turtle Island. Even Black Lives Matter was co-founded by an artist. This isn’t mere coincidence; artists are at the forefront of systemic change. We operate from a deep, heartfelt place in a society that often undervalues the arts. We know that to truly honor our creative work and maintain our dignity, we must also transform the systems that sustain us. This goes beyond just supporting artists—it’s about supporting all workers. So when you think of an artist, envision someone who is actively nurturing the cooperative movement. Join us at to learn more and get involved.