The participants of the Platform Cooperativism Consortium/Berkman Klein Center (Harvard University) Research Sprint present preliminary findings on data cooperatives based on research conducted during the sprint.
Ana Aguirre Co-founder and Worker Owner, Tazebaez S.Coop
Sadhana Sanjay Research Assistant, IT for Change
Megan Kelleher Vice Chancellor’s Indigenous Pre-doctoral Fellow, RMIT University
Janis Wong Doctoral Researcher
Sadev Parikh J.D./M.P.A. Candidate, Georgetown University Law Center / Harvard Kennedy School
Elettra Bietti SJD Candidate, Harvard Law School
Trebor Scholz New School professor and Founding Director of the Platform Cooperativism Consortium
Kelsie Nabben Researcher, RMIT University
Novita Puspasari Lecturer and Researcher, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Noah DiAntonio Graduate, Harvard College
Morshed Mannan Lecturer in Global Law and Digital Technologies at Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh