The Trade Off Between Financial Security
and Autonomy in the Video Game
Industry: A Discussion on Corporatization,
Financialization, and Precarization, Ergin
Bulut; Magic Nerd Money: Work and
Compensation in/of Ludic Bureaucracies,
Aleena Chia; The Governance of Toxic Gamer
Culture: League of Legends’ Tribunal System,
Corporate Responsibility, and Exploitative
Labor, Thorsten Busch and Mia Consalvo.
Ergin Bulut Assistant Professor at the Department of Media and Visual Arts at koc University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Aleena Chia PhD candidate in the Department of Communication and Culture at Indiana University
Thorsten Busch Postdoctoral Fellow at Concordia University, Montreal
Mia Consalvo Professor and Canada Research Chair in Game Studies and Design at Concordia University in Montreal