Waking Up to Data

Over the past five years, the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy has welcomed Ph.D. students, founders of platform cooperatives, and artists as research fellows, adopting a highly interdisciplinary approach to our work.
The 2023-2024 cohort featured the very talented artist Priyanka Borar who proposed to educate forest communities in India about data through a children’s book. We were taken by her project and proceeded to have a rich collaboration with Priyanka. We are now proud to present the outcome of her fellowship project: a children’s book that introduces the concept of data.
The outcome, educational for children and young adults worldwide, is “Waking Up to Data,” a poetic ode to the concept of data, set respectfully amidst India’s rural forest communities.
You can freely view it here:
Flip book (124 MB)
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Full-sized PDF (124 MB)
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