[ICDE Report] DAOs and Platform Cooperatives: Lessons from the Commons

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Poux, Philémon. 2023. A Policy Framework for Platform Cooperatives Grounded in U.S. History. Institute for the Cooperative Economy. New York City.
In his 2022/2023 ICDE Fellowship Report, Philemon Poux explores the relationship between the commons and the world of blockchain. The Report specifically delves into the potential of using blockchain for cooperatives. He argues that achieving governance in platform cooperatives requires collective decision-making and management by the community, and recommends identifying guiding principles for platform cooperatives before introducing complex technology. Philémon Poux’s exploration of the commons and blockchain emphasizes the importance of community-oriented decision-making and governance principles. Lastly, he suggests applying Elinor Ostrom’s principles to the development of blockchain-based technology in order to create community-focused platform cooperatives that respect commons values.
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