Rafael Grohmann

Hello, my name is Rafael Grohman, and I am a professor of critical platform and data studies at the University of Toronto. I’m thrilled to be here at the International Platform Cooperativism Conference, excellently organized by ITS Rio and the Platform Cooperativism Consortium. I am set to discuss worker-owned platforms, aiming to enrich our understanding of platform cooperativism from epistemological, political, and ethical perspectives. My talk will explore the historical context of Latin America’s solidarity economy and its implications for the future, particularly in relation to digital rights, free technologies, and decent work. I will also discuss potential public policies for platform cooperativism in Brazil.

In addition, I coordinate the Platform Cooperativism Observatory, both of which serve as hubs for curating and disseminating content related to platform-based work with an emphasis on platform cooperativism. I believe that this is a pivotal agenda for Brazil’s future and for the public policies we aspire to implement over the next four years, aiming to reshape the future of our economy.