Kriangsak Teerakowitkajorn

Hi, my name is Kriangsak Teerakowitkajorn, and I am the Founder and Managing Director of the Digital Economy and Labor Institute. The significance of platform cooperative principles lies in their ability to connect our theoretical ideas with practical, transformative change. Karl Marx highlighted that the true power of cooperatives stems from their integration into broader social change initiatives.

As an active participant in the labor movement in South Asia, I am here to share my experiences and insights on enhancing the labor movement through digital cooperatives. These cooperatives provide a unique opportunity to not only align our ideologies with our practices but also to transform the exploitative digital economy into a fair and just one. To effectively merge the cooperative and labor movements, we must initiate open discussions on how cooperatives, particularly workers’ cooperatives, can serve as foundational steps toward our collective vision of economic justice and a staunchly anti-capitalist future. This conference is the perfect platform to explore and expand upon this vision. Thank you.