Ken Lewis

Hi, my name is Ken Lewis. I’m a co-founder of the Driver Cooperative. We are an organization, a cooperative in New York City, where drivers own their own platform. I think it’s critical in the new digital space that cooperatives, that those who labor, hold the reins. It’s extremely important because of the digital economy, it’s very possible for those who produce, for those who do the labor, to actually meet the consumers directly. And this gives a great possibility for cooperatives to develop and own their own platform. And so this is one, I think, of one of the main importance of cooperatives in the digital economy. In the case of gig workers, as we know, gig workers have been overly exploited in recent years by the major platforms. And there is a great possibility, it’s nascent, but it’s really a great possibility that workers can own their own platforms, as we are doing at the Drivers Cooperative.