Usha Raman, a Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Hyderabad, works across journalism pedagogy, cultural studies of science, health communication, children’s media, feminist media studies, and digital cultures.
She has recently edited notable books like “Feminist Futures of Work: Reimagining Labor in the Digital Economy” (with Payal Arora and Rene Konig), “Childscape, Mediascape: Children and Media in India” (with Sumana Kasturi), and “The Routledge Handbook of Media Education Futures Post-pandemic” (with Yonty Friesen, Igor Kanizaj, and Grace Choi).
Usha has contributed as a columnist for The Hindu and manages the monthly magazine “Teacher Plus” for school teachers. She earned her doctorate in mass communication from the University of Georgia, USA, in 1996, and has held visiting fellow positions at University of Sydney (Australia), MIT (USA) and University of Bremen (Germany).
Co-founding the IDRC-funded initiative FemLabCo, dedicated to exploring the future of women’s work, Usha currently serves as the Vice President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research.
Pronouns: she/her