
Sridhar is a computer engineer by training, an environmentalist by passion, with a focus on environmental health and justice. He is dedicated to agro ecology, food sovereignty, climate concerns, and he actively contributes to policy development and advocacy. Currently, he serves on the Steering Committee of the Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculturel; directs the Thirunelly Agri Producer Company; consults at Asar Social Impact Advisors; and holds positions on the Board of GRAIN and the Advisory Board of the Agro Ecology Fund. He previously led initiatives like the Save our Rice Campaign-India, and contributed to various environmental movements nationwide. Engaged in policy committees, he mentors and guides enterprises in the green space. He also mentors youth groups, contributes to the media on environmental issues, and has authored several books. He currently resides in a mud and bamboo home with a small food garden in Karakulam, Kerala, India.

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