Linda Huber is a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan’s School of Information, where she researches how emerging digital technologies are reshaping business models and organizational practices. Using ethnographic methods, her work focuses on datafication and platformization in the healthcare industry, contributing to feminist science and technology studies (STS), organization studies, and critical data studies.
As part of the 2025/2026 Fellowship at the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy (ICDE), Linda researches the impact of AI and automation on healthcare workers, focusing on labor organizing and collective responses to technological changes.
Through the creation of an AI Labor Council for healthcare workers, she explores how workers can identify risks, develop shared analyses, and propose interventions to ensure ethical and equitable AI implementation in healthcare. She is an affiliate researcher at the UM Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing (ESC) and a member of the Platform Economies Research Network. Linda previously worked as a UX research consultant at Ipsos in New York City and holds degrees from Georgetown University and Sarah Lawrence College.