Adolfo J. Acosta is a researcher and Ph.D. in Social Processes from Universidad Iberoamericana Torreón, specializing in the cooperative movement, social economy, and economic democracy. His dissertation, Challenges and Opportunities of the Cooperative Movement: The Case of Monterrey, examines how cooperatives navigate economic and ideological constraints in Mexico.
As a 2025/2026 Research Fellow at the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy (ICDE), Adolfo investigates platform co-ops as one approach to solving problems in the Mexican health care system.
His research interests include platform cooperatives, digital technologies, and social entrepreneurship, with work presented at international conferences such as the VIII CIRIEC International Research Congress on Social Economy. He has also explored the social constructs of individualism and collectivism, analyzing how economic ideologies shape cooperative development. Additionally, he has completed advanced coursework on platform cooperatives, economic democracy, and social solidarity economies, contributing to discussions on digital platforms as alternative economic models.