This panel, Public Policy for a Just Digital Kenya, moderated by Francis Mwongela Mikwa, features Sandra Moreno Cadena (RIPESS), Angela Chukunzira, Mamo Boru Mamo (NEMA), Timothy Bisakaya, and Tina Mfanga. Together, they will discuss the intersection of digital technology, cooperatives, and environmental sustainability in Kenya. Each speaker will present a brief policy pitch aimed at shaping equitable digital futures, which they will present on Day 3.
Angela Chukunzira Tech and society fellow at the Mozilla Foundation
Francis Mwongela Mikwa Senior Director of Communication, Office of the Deputy President, Republic of Kenya
Timothy Bisakaya President and Head of Secretariat for the Africa Co-operative Consortium
Tina Mfanga Chair and Founding Member of UWAWAMA
Sandra Moreno Cadena Executive Secretary of RIPESS
Mamo Boru Mamo Director General of the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) in Kenya