Prof. Mark Graham Introduces the Fairwork Action Research Project

  • Nov 7, 2024 9:00–10:00AM

  • Makutano

This session features a keynote by Prof. Mark Graham, followed by a conversation with Caroline Njuki, Nerima Wako-Ojiwa, and Prof. Trebor Scholz, moderated by Prof. Isaac K. Nyamongo. Prof. Graham’s talk will introduce the Fair Work project, focusing on the Fair Work Kenya report. The Fairwork project seeks to hold companies accountable to minimum standards of decent work.

The conversation that follows will contextualize benchmarking efforts, such as those of Fairwork, within the solidarity economy, including worker and platform cooperatives, unions, legislation, and other employee-owned alternatives in the platform and gig economy.

Mark Graham (Oxford Internet Institute at Oxford University) 

Format: Keynote (20 mins), followed by discussion

Conversation between Prof. Graham, Caroline Njuki (ILO), Nerima Wako-Ojiwa (Siasa Place), and Prof. Trebor Scholz (New School/Harvard), moderated by Dr. Isaac K. Nyamongo


  • Mark Graham

    Mark Graham Professor of Internet Geography, Oxford Internet Institute

  • Isaac K. Nyamongo Scholar and Deputy Vice Chancellor, The Co-operative University of Kenya

  • Caroline Njuki Chief Technical Advisor for the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Kenya

  • Trebor Scholz New School professor and Founding Director of the Platform Cooperativism Consortium

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