***Archival video of this segment is available here.***
How are the future of work, care, and governance intertwined when it comes to (platform) infrastructures? What could feminist platforms look like? How does feminist technoscience help us see more than just tech when we talk about decentralization? How can (distributed) cooperative organizations move us not just toward more egalitarian, but restorative infrastructures — and what are some examples of such platforms that are currently being developed? Which legal and policy frameworks would enable feminist platform infrastructure?
Carla Young Researcher, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)
Natalia-Rozalia Avlona Marie Curie PhD Fellow, DCODE, University of Copenhagen
Mayo Fuster Morell PhD, Dimmons IN3, Open University of Catalonia
Greta Franke Student Assistant, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)