***Archival video for this session is available here.***
Concurrent Town Halls in Various Locations
Parallel sessions open up spaces where you can learn about the projects of your fellow participants from around the world. They amplify the unique potential of all of us being together at The New School. Think of the format of this session as a topically-focused town hall; it is not a traditional panel. Each speaker has 5 minutes to introduce their work. The second hour of the session is dedicated to discussion that promptly engages the people who are not on the stage. Find the presentations in the File Swap folder linked below.
About This Town Hall
Beyond the analysis of how surveillance capitalism is extracting data and controlling our lives, this session is pointing to a way forward for the democratization of digital infrastructure. Without ownership of the platform or protocol, how do we move from Big Tech’s data extraction to data sovereignty? From “smart cities” to the healthcare sector, music streaming and beyond, data cooperatives are becoming more relevant to founders who work to democratize the Internet through cooperatively owned digital infrastructure – from social media to cloud services and beyond.
The hashtag for this track is #DatacoopsFTW
File Swap
Would you like to dig deeper, learn more about the discussed topics, or have documents to share? Download PDFs of the presentations, background readings, and/or upload your own materials to this folder
Yeshimabeit Milner Founder & Executive Director, Data for Black Lives
Rafael A. F. Zanatta Ph.D. candidate, University of São Paulo
Matthew Cropp Community Operations Team Coordinator, Social.coop
Jun Kawasaki Founder, Commons Inc
Vanni Rinaldi President, Weople
Rob Stone Founder and CEO, Datavest
Koray Caliskan Affiliate Faculty, The Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy
Maggie Hughes Graduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab
Ron Kim NY Lawmaker & Co-Founder of Inclusive.money
Morshed Mannan Lecturer in Global Law and Digital Technologies at Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh