Concurrent Town Halls in Various Locations
Parallel sessions open up spaces where you can learn about the projects of your fellow participants from around the world. They amplify the unique potential of all of us being together at The New School. Think of the format of this session as a topically-focused town hall; it is not a traditional panel. Each speaker has 5 minutes to introduce their work. The second hour of the session is dedicated to discussion that promptly engages the people who are not on the stage. Find the presentations in the File Swap folder linked below.
About This Town Hall
Social problems don’t exist in isolation. This session brings together groups that fight for economic justice. Although some projects may not be directly working on platform co-ops, our work is connected. Our liberation, likewise, is bound together. In order to win the fight for the next possible system, our movements need to build together. Not only must we inform, support, and inspire each other, but we have to show up for one another. Cooperative principles compel us to deepen practices of solidarity. That’s why co-ops need to more actively project their values outward, and link up with a range of groups, whether these are technologists, farmers, domestic workers, or activists.
The hashtag for this track is #ShowingUp
File Swap
Would you like to dig deeper, learn more about the discussed topics, or have documents to share? Download PDFs of the presentations, background readings, and/or upload your own materials to this folder
Esteban Kelly Executive Director, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Sixth Street Youth Program NYC after school program committed to developing social and environmental awareness and activism
Damiano Avellino Co-founder, Fairbnb
Lindsey Lusher Shute CEO, Farm Generations Agricultural Cooperative
Jordi Picas Vilà Director of Innovation, Suara Cooperative
Stacco Troncoso Co-founder,
Mariela Benavides Espronceda Local Director, Techo