Platform Co-ops & the Green New Deal

  • Nov 7, 2019 6:40–8:00PM

  • Theresa Lang Community and Student Center - Room I202, 2nd Floor
    Arnhold Hall
    55 West 13th Street, NYC

***Archival video of each speaker is hyperlinked below.***

No issue is more pressing than the climate crisis! Digital technologies can either help ameliorate this crisis or they can worsen it. Can co-ops be an alternative to extractive capitalism that refuses to acknowledge the impending catastrophe? How do we democratize the digital economy in the time of the Green New Deal? In this session, you’ll learn about two groups: a platform that supports recyclers in Brazil and an e-car sharing cooperative in Spain. 

Mundano (Cataki)

Oriol Alfambra (Mensakas) on SomMobilitat

Edith Darren + Arthur Hay (Coop Cycle)

Video Address by Dieter Janechek (Member, Deutscher Bundestag)

Video Address by John McDonnell (Opposition Finance Minister, British Labour Party, UK) 

Prof. Raz Godelnik (The New School) + Q&A

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