***Archival video of each speaker is hyperlinked to their name below***
We are proud to present an overview of activities in several countries. We will hear about successes and failures, too. In quick succession, presenters will offer you a global overview. We’ll go around the world in 90 minutes.
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Osamu Nakano Director of International Relations at Japan Workers’ Co-operative Union and Staff Member of Japan Co-operative Alliance
Lisa Pointner Legal Advisor, Smart (Austria)
Mario De Conto Director, ESCOOP
Ela Kagel Co-founder, Platform Cooperatives Germany eG
James de le Vingne Instigator at Unfound, Head of Development Co-operatives UK
Novita Puspasari Lecturer and Researcher, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Jack Linchuan Qiu Professor, Platform Cooperativism Consortium HK, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Trebor Scholz New School professor and Founding Director of the Platform Cooperativism Consortium
Martijn Arets Dutch Expert In the Field of Emergence and Development of The Platform Economy
Vanni Rinaldi President, Weople
Sabine Kock CEO at Smart Austria