Organizing Workers (and Non-Workers)

  • Nov 14, 2015 4:00–5:50PM

  • The New School
    Kellen Auditorium, Room N101
    Sheila C. Johnson Design Center

    66 Fifth Avenue

Steven Hill – How the “Uber Economy” and Runaway Capitalism Are Screwing American Workers and What We Can Do About It

Susie Cagle – Reorganizing Independent Media Labor

Ra Criscitiello – Union Worker Cooperatives, Portable Benefits, and On-Demand App-Based Dispatch

Astra Taylor – Debtor Organizing

Kati Sipp – Reputation, Reputation, Reputation

Facilitated by Karen Gregory


  • Astra Taylor Filmmaker, Writer, Activist, and Musician

  • Karen Gregory Ethnographer and Theory-Building Scholar

  • Ra Criscitiello Deputy Director of Research, SEIU United Healthcare Workers West

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