Conditions of Possibility

  • Nov 13, 2015 11:00AM–12:50PM

  • The New School
    Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Room I202
    Arnhold Hall

    55 West 13th Street

Saskia Sassen – A “Neighborhood/Low-Wage Workplace” Digital Platform
Christoph Spehr – Part Of The Solution: New Labor Rights, Entrepreneurial Rights And Social Transformation For The Age Of Algo-Capitalism
Mayo Fuster Morell – Platform Capitalism versus Platform Cooperativism
Dmytri Kleiner – A Proposal for “Venture Communism”
Facilitated by McKenzie Wark


  • Picture of Dmytri Kleiner

    Dmytri Kleiner Venture Communist, Telekommunisten

  • Mayo Fuster Morell PhD, Dimmons IN3, Open University of Catalonia

  • Picture of McKenzie Wark

    McKenzie Wark Professor of Culture and Media, The New School

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