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Watch the TED talk: “Stuck in the gig economy? Try platform co-ops instead.”

Own This!: How Platform Cooperatives Help Workers Build a Democratic Internet
by R. Trebor Scholz (2023)

Learn about our conferences and join the next one in Istanbul. Our conferences are thoroughly documented. You can find information about all our speakers, including their biographies, complete programs available for download as PDFs, video recordings, and much more.

Library of 2,000 articles on platform co-ops. This library includes newspaper coverage, podcasts, books, academic papers, and materials more relevant to practitioners, such as bylaws and other documents.

Video Testimonials. At our conferences, we invite participants to summarize their ideas in about a minute. Here’s what they shared.

Global Directory/Map of the Ecosystem. This map outlines a cooperative digital ecosystem, featuring platform cooperatives alongside supporting tech cooperatives, anchor organizations, and support groups that have actively contributed to advancing this work.

Our Research: Reports, Papers. If you are a researcher or scholar, you may find this annotated list of our papers, reports, and policy briefs valuable. Each item is linked and described in detail in this document.

Learn about our research fellows. To learn more about our research fellows, both current and former, as well as our affiliate faculty and the team behind PCC, please visit this link.

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