ICDE Cohort 2021-2022: Read the Research Reports!

We are delighted to share the research reports by the ICDE Research Fellows cohort of 2021-2022. The research reports critically examine how to challenge the inequality and financial insecurity that digital platforms have exacerbated. “How can we democratically own the digital economy?” is the central question driving this research. The cohort investigated questions including:
What factors should founders consider when transitioning from platform worker to multi-stakeholder cooperatives?
Given that the benefits of the digital economy are slow to reach women farmers and others at the Bottom of the Pyramid, how can co-ops adopt platform models?
What does co-designing a feminist, inclusive platform co-op entail?
How can the ethics and politics of platform cooperatives be best analyzed?
How do platform cooperatives get off the ground and run sustainably, with case studies including The Drivers Cooperative in the United States, Fairbnb in Italy, CoopCycle in France and Argentina, and SEWA’s platform co-op pilot in India?
Which events and actors must be included in a comprehensive mapping of platform cooperativism’s emergence, opportunities, and contradictions in Brazil?
How can established platform cooperatives be adapted to a new context?
How can stakeholders scale this movement most effectively by adopting common interoperability standards?
How can ride-hailing platform co-ops challenge capitalism’s grip on the digital gig economy?
From Brazil to France, New York to Buenos Aires, and Bologna in Italy to Gujarat in India, our fellows covered topics critical to the development of platform cooperatives in these territories.
You can download them below.
Vera Vidal Turning Fairbnb Coop Into a Multistakeholder Cooperative
Rafael Zanatta Building Platform Cooperatives In Brazil
Erik Forman Top Dead Center: The Drivers Cooperative, Capitalism, and the Next Revolution
Louis Cousin Towards Cooperative Interorganizational Information Systems
Shaked SpierThe Ethics and Politics of Platform Cooperatives
Salonie Muralidhara HiriyurDesigning Agriculture Platform Cooperatives With Women Farmers in Gujarat
Denise Kasparian The Local Implementation of Platform Co-ops in Argentina