Congratulations to the 2018 #PlatformCoop Propaganda Challenge Winners!

The winners of the Propaganda Challenge—which distributes proceeds from our book Ours to Hack and to Own—have been chosen. Above all, we were blown away by the entries, all of which were thrilling to see. We had to make a choice, however, and we decided on the basis of promise and variety:
Mai Ishikawa Sutton – “a comic-style infographic, an infocomic, about platform co-ops”
Emily Martinez, Danny Spitzberg, Niloufar Salehi, Nate Beard, Kat Lo, Avery Edenfield – “a clickbait-y online course that funnels users into collectively governing Twitter”
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks again to all who participated.
Keep buying Ours to Hack and to Own and we can do this again!