Co-design of site

As part of the Platform Co-op Development Kit project we are planning a re-design of the site, and we are seeking your participation in this process. We want to make sure that you can quickly find what you want, that we use language that is understandable, and that overall, our site is as useful as possible to you.
The co-design may take the form of answering a few survey questions, trying out candidate designs and providing feedback by phone or online and/or participating in co-design sessions in person. You decide how involved you’d like to get.
If you are interested in being involved please send us an email to with the subject heading “Platform.Coop Design” telling us a bit about yourself, why you would like to be involved, and the best way we can contact you.
Please respond by Wednesday, October 3.
We can make this site better with your help, so please consider participating!