Your Input: Annual Platform Co-op Conference Nov 7-9, 2019

We are convening our next international conference, “The State of Platform Cooperativism,” at The New School November 7-9, 2019.
– Tell us about the topics and questions that you’d like to see addressed.
– Let us know what new projects you’d like to introduce to the community at this event.
– Whom should we invite?
Here are a few foci that we had in mind:
– The emerging role of private, public, and civic incubators to launch platform co-ops.
– Solving the capital conundrum (Investment Funds)
– The “silver tsunami,” ESOPs with majority worker ownership, and the potential for conversions to platform co-ops.
– What can distributed ledgers do for cooperatives?
– Showcasing the Young Lions of the movement (projects + emerging research about the cooperative digital economy).
– A panel on shareable co-op technology.
– The relationship between platform co-ops and the traditional co-op movement.
– Collaborations on the Platform Co-op Development Kit.
We look forward to seeing you all in NYC this fall — let’s make our 10th anniversary conference our best and biggest one yet! If you need of letter of invitation to seek local funding support for your travel, please let us know. We are happy to provide such letters.
Please consider joining our Circle of Cooperators to support this conference.
Email us and we will provide you with the details.